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The Omniverse Saga, our namesake, is a graphic novel series created by the great Tommy O himself, and this saga was actually one of the reasons Omniverse Studios entirely was founded. It will mostly comprise of one shot paperback graphic novels as to treat the saga as the on print equivalent of a cinematic universe in the most epic ways possible. Mostly geared towards teens and adults the series will have a lot of mature elements in the very formula of it's content due to one of our endgames with this saga being to depict issues and problems relevant to today's world that deserve more spotlight without any censorship as protected by the OMNIVERSE STUDIOS OFFICIAL ANTI CENSORSHIP POLICY, this way we can help improve the perceptions of many important issues but we primarily specialize in depicting issues including autism and mental health. 


"'To all potential fans and/or readers of the Omniverse Saga, I welcome all into my fan base, but just to ensure a thriving peaceful community, I very kindly ask that if you do not like and/or upsetted or offended by any of my content. They're just books, and they're meant to have this content so kindly back off if you don't like it.'


That's the best way I like to say it, so I can give my fans what they want to see and what they love about me and my content. You're welcome."


- Tommy O Founder/President, Omniverse Studios

Commencing our long but epic saga journey with GUARDIAN ANGEL™: RISE OF THE NEW ANGEL™, you can expect to run into a diverse cast of characters ranging from your average joe to beings who have cosmic dominion over all life, but we also intend on exploring characters with neurodiversity, showing the real impact other characters and events have on the mental health of our heroes and sometimes villains and even the most divine beings having at the very least a small bit of a humanity to their feelings and emotions. We also intend on giving a near first hand perspective to our audiences through the saga the true impacts of circumstances and situations that can be mentally devastating for any living being, which sadly is rarely properly depicted in all forms of media,  from the price of unnecessary conflict to the reasons why the villains became villains, as we hope for our audiences to learn from these stories and situations and apply what they learn to helping make the world a better place in the best ways possible, especially along with Tommy O's goal to improve the world's mental health solely using the saga.


guardian angel™: rise of the new angel
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