The heroes of the tale of ascension from humble human being, to the great protector of the omniversal plains.
Antonia Queen, also known as, the GUARDIAN ANGEL
Toni may as well be the luckiest girl on Earth, as she has the power to rival God’s wrath, all thanks to her being the daughter of Jasos and granddaughter of Kronos(God in the Kronogian Grand Pantheon of the Sun Omniverse). Though said powers came with a terrible price, she lacked many friends and had social issues due to others around her being stigmatized by such frightening and deadly superhuman capabilities. Things only get worse however as she is about to be hunted by General Abaddon and for years has been haunted by Dargros The One in the form of “Mr. One-Eye”, through severely frightening nightmares. However, she will be able to overcome the challenges she faces thanks to her loving family, the few friends she does have, and her longtime friend Thomas Anderson, whom she has a huge crush on.